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If You Give A Mom an Hour: A Very Short Story. (maybe)

If you give a Mom an hour she will notice that the curtains in the living room don’t look the same.  When she sees that they don’t look the same, she takes the curtains down and puts them in the washer.  To remove one set of curtains the Mom has to move the couch, when she moves the couch she notices that she needs to vacuum under the couch (it has been awhile let’s just say).  After she puts the curtains in the washer, the Mom sees her toddler and asks if he needs to go potty, he does so they head off to the bathroom. 

After helping in the bathroom the Mom remembers to get the vacuum and the Mom vacuums under the couch, and she figures if you vacuum under one couch you should probably vacuum under all the furniture. So she moves the recliner and love seat, and vacuums there too. When the Mom is done vacuuming she sees how much dust has built up on the windows, so the Mom cleans the windows.  After this the Mom sees her toddler again, and asks him if he needs to go potty, he does so they head off to the bathroom again.

If you give a Mom an hour she will see that there are a few items that she wanted to donate or sell.  She is fortunate that several people wanted to buy her items.  When the Mom takes care of those items, she sees her phone and realizes she forgot to call the dentist and reschedule an appointment, so the Mom calls and takes care of that.  Then the Mom hears the dryer is finished, so the Mom takes the curtains out of the dryer and hangs them back up.  After this the Mom sees that the toddler has peed on the floor, so the Mom cleans up after him.   

Then the Mom sees the clock and notices that it is lunch time, so the Mom fixes lunch for her and her family.  After lunch the Mom asks the toddler if he needs to go potty, he does, so they go to the potty again.  The Mom sees it is nap time for the toddler, so they go to bed.

If you give a Mom an hour, she will see she needs to clean something, take care of someone, and they cycle goes on and on… 


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