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Where is my Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

Where is my Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

Warning: Politics and religion will be discussed, if this will offend you, please stop reading now.  If you are still with me, grab a cup of coffee and let’s go.

I don’t know about you, but I really do not like this presidential campaign.  There are very few candidates that I like, depending on the poll that you look at, I don’t like the top three.  Social media has been on fire with this lately, of course, with people campaigning for their favorite candidate and their ideas to save the world. And this is perfectly fine, even though I strongly disagree with most of them.

The world to me seems so divisive, and angry.  Even though I’m a news junkie I occasionally think about living in a cave until November.  But this is not an option.  I was really feeling down, when I heard the news of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, and the fight over his vacant seat didn’t help.   I almost got lost in the headlines of the fight over his seat, and who would replace him, until I saw a headline that caught my attention, Justices Scalia and Ginsburg were best friends.  If you are not familiar Justice Ginsburg is a liberal thinking judge, and I’m not sure where she stands on faith, and Justice Scalia was a very conservative judge, and a man of faith.

A couple lines stood out to me in the article.  “Ginsburg, 82, paid homage to the conservative judge with whom she shared a surprising friendship that was built on mutual respect.  Even though Ginsburg admitted that the two of them often disagreed and took different sides during court cases, she affirmed that their friendship transcended their opposing ideologies and allowed them to look past their differences and learn from one another.”  She goes on to say that when she received an opinion from him that differed from hers, in the end it made the final outcome a better, more solid one. They even vacationed together!  Apparently there is even an opera written about their friendship, and in the opera is this line, “We are different, we are one,’ different in our interpretation of written texts, one in our reverence for the Constitution and the institution we serve.” 

If these two Supreme Court justices can have this kind of relationship, why can’t we mere mortals do the same thing?  Where is my Ruther Bader Ginsburg?  I am conservative politically, and a Christian.  So if you would like to build a relationship of mutual respect, that can transcend our opposing ideologies, let me know, I would love to talk to you and see if we can have a Scalia-Ginsburg type relationship. 


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