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I. Am. A. Runner.  I am not a fast runner, and I don’t win races.  But I am a runner.  I have completed 9 half marathons, 1 marathon, and many other small races.  I hope to increase my half marathon count by two more this year. 

After finishing my last half marathon.
I hear people say all the time that the only time they would run is to run away from something.  While I get that sentiment, I like to run through things.  I started running shortly after our oldest son was born.  A friend asked me to run a 5K, and I knew that I would have to practice a little to even be able to finish.  The next year the same friend asked if I would run a half marathon, I ran it not having a clue what I was doing.  After the race I thought I would never do that again, but I have been hooked on running ever since.  I have also struggled, at times, with my place in the running world knowing I am not likely to win a race in my running career, until I can out last my competitors (maybe). 

So why put myself through all the pain and torture? I want to take a moment to list the reasons I run, and what this sport has given me.  I don’t run to run away from anything, but to run through what life is giving me at the time. 

When I started running, I was running through the transition of becoming a new wife and mother.  No one gives you an instruction book for children or marriages, and I won’t claim to know what I’m doing as a parent ever.  Often on my runs I think about a situation and try to work out how to solve it, my best decisions have come from running.  Like I said I’m slower, so I have a lot of time to think about it.  There is nothing like the dark of quiet morning to show you the way.  
One of  the few times I've run with the boys!

I have run through deaths in the family, a family members deployments, a miscarriage, and losing/ gaining friendships.  Again, I am not running away but running through these tough times. The road where we live probably knows me better than I know myself, and it is almost always deserted in the early morning, it’s a great place to cry a situation out or vent in anger. 

I have also seen beautiful scenes of rainbows, clouds, birds, and the years changing weather patterns.  These scenes give me hope and happiness that no matter what I’m running through, it’s all going to be OK. This perspective enables me to look upon the situation and the day with clearer eyes and calmer mind. 

The sport has given me more than I could ever give back.  And I don’t care if I never win a race or am considered “fast” by anyone’s standards.  I am running for as long as I can, until my “wheels” fall off.  There are going to be many, many more situations that I will need to run through.  And in the end when I pass away and I get to heaven, I hope the Lord tells me that,” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7), that is the only reward I need.  Until then, I will continue to run through…   


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