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Showing posts from 2016

Becoming Mrs. Farmer Brown

This week is the week of our anniversary, 10 years holy cow, where did the time go?  I thought it would be a good time to reminisce about what happened during harvest.  Hold on to your seats because, I drove the tractor!  Yes that's me in the rear view mirror, couldn't get better pictures, I was busy! I knew the day I married Farmer Brown that one day I would get “the call” the one asking me to come out and help for one reason or another.  That day came towards the end of harvest this year.  I had a day off, and FB called and in typical fashion asked if I was busy.  Well, again, yes I am doing something, sometimes I think he is just making sure I’m not slacking around the house!  In the end I told him I could come out and see what I could do. Essentially he gave me a 15 minute lesson on how to drive the tractor, work the grain cart, and catch from the combine on the fly.  And in the mix we had issues with the grain cart so for awhile ...

Thank You President Obama

In November 2008, a new first-time mom was watching election results.  She was horrified with the results, how could the country have betrayed her so, why would they vote this man into office, a man who wanted to change her country.  She was scared not only was she trying to figure out how to be a wife, and new mother but now the country she felt safe in was changing.  That new mother was me, I didn’t like President Obama winning the 2008 and 2012 elections, I felt that our country was going to hell in a hand basket, and frankly am too young to feel that way.  Shortly after the election we moved to a farm, and I was still scared about what the direction of the country was going with President Obama.  And I decided I wanted to find a way to help my family in case a major event occurred that disrupted life as we knew it.  Seems a little irrational doesn’t it?  Maybe, but people that I respected and trusted told me this was going to happen and immine...

It's Fall Ya'll

Its fall ya’ll, and at the Brown household that means we are deep into harvest.  But harvest can be frustrating and long, especially for Mom who is taking care of the home place and Brown boys while Farmer Brown is out in the field.  Football, and combine in the yard-so it is definitely fall! Today started out as one of those long, frustrating days.  I was tired from a long week, and goodness it he been a long week with the boys.  Maybe the week was an after affect from the full moon, goodness not sure.  So after kiddo naps, the Brown boys went to ride in the combine & tractor for awhile.  And apparently I got my second wind for the day, and set my attitude appropriately.  First goal:  Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.  The pumpkin cupcakes were made with pumpkin I have previously canned, so it’s always fun to make recipes with an ingredient I have made.  Secondly, first attempt ever to make frosting.  Bo...

A spin around the garden with Big Beasty

Every time Farmer Brown is in the field for planting, harvesting, or any other task that needs to be done for crops, it is inevitable that I will have to learn something new.  Today it was running the big tiller, or as I like to call it “Big Beasty.”  If unfamiliar with a roto-tiller, it is a piece of gardening equipment that has blades that break up the earth to help with planting and weed control.  Big Beasty is big, and heavy, we are talking most of my weight and almost as tall as I am!  I have done my best to avoid learning how to start and run this tiller, but today was the day to learn.  F.B. had tilled the garden earlier in the Spring but due to heavy rains, the soil had crusted over.  I needed to take care of some weeds, replant a couple plants, and finally finish planting the rest of the garden since it is the middle of May already.  I tried our small tiller but realized it was not big enough to break through the thick crust of soil in th...

Where is my Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

Where is my Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Warning : Politics and religion will be discussed, if this will offend you, please stop reading now.  If you are still with me, grab a cup of coffee and let’s go. I don’t know about you, but I really do not like this presidential campaign.  There are very few candidates that I like, depending on the poll that you look at, I don’t like the top three.  Social media has been on fire with this lately, of course, with people campaigning for their favorite candidate and their ideas to save the world. And this is perfectly fine, even though I strongly disagree with most of them. The world to me seems so divisive, and angry.  Even though I’m a news junkie I occasionally think about living in a cave until November.  But this is not an option.  I was really feeling down, when I heard the news of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, and the fight over his vacant seat didn’t help.   I almost got lost ...

If You Give A Mom an Hour: A Very Short Story. (maybe)

If you give a Mom an hour she will notice that the curtains in the living room don’t look the same.  When she sees that they don’t look the same, she takes the curtains down and puts them in the washer.  To remove one set of curtains the Mom has to move the couch, when she moves the couch she notices that she needs to vacuum under the couch (it has been awhile let’s just say).  After she puts the curtains in the washer, the Mom sees her toddler and asks if he needs to go potty, he does so they head off to the bathroom.  After helping in the bathroom the Mom remembers to get the vacuum and the Mom vacuums under the couch, and she figures if you vacuum under one couch you should probably vacuum under all the furniture. So she moves the recliner and love seat, and vacuums there too. When the Mom is done vacuuming she sees how much dust has built up on the windows, so the Mom cleans the windows.  After this the Mom sees her toddler again, and asks him if he nee...

After a rough week- Eat Pie!

It has been a rough week.  We are in the middle of winter here in Nebraska , which means cloudy, cold weather.  We had a case of the stomach flu, I had to explain a couple life experiences to the oldest Brown boy, that no parent should have to explain to their child, and least of all our worries- we had a pie crust catastrophe!  A few of the pumpkins harvested this year! But this is life, things happen to us and we have to make the best of it somehow, I suggest pumpkin pie as one way to do that.  But let’s begin our story at the beginning, this summer we planted exactly one pumpkin plant that produced literally half my garden space worth of pumpkins.  We gave some away, we sold a few for the boys to make money, and I still had roughly 20 left to take care of.  The pumpkins “mocked” me in our basement until New Years weekend, when I finally felt I had the time to take care of them, and that means; can them.  I cut up four pumpkins, and this gav...
Merry Hallothanksmas and Happy New Year! It has been busy in the Brown house lately!  I’m sure it has been busy in your house as well.  For us, it feels as though we have been running since Halloween.  At one point I saw a sign that read, “Merry Hallothanksmas!”  I feel this is fitting for the holidays, I don’t really have an answer to this issue, but it feels as though Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas get smooched together in some weird, food eating-celebratory craziness, where I’m just trying to keep my sanity and our family together. The crazy is finally over now, and a new year has begun, along with that comes great possibilities. I personally don’t make actual new years resolutions; I’m not quite that organized-yet.  But I do have a few goals for myself and family.  Goal #1- Purge our house of all unnecessary things! I am done with clutter; my goal is to purge our house in six months of all unneeded things.  So far, I have clean...