During Memorial Day weekend and the days around Veteran’s Day, I wear a memorial bracelet of a soldier who died in Iraq. The research that I have found shows this soldier was killed in the same area I was in Iraq at the time, it is also possible, although I’ll never know for sure that I shared his honor flight out of Iraq with him. The honor flight is a soldier's flight home after dying in a war zone. This flight was the first of possibly many to get their body home to their family. The image of this covered deceased soldier flying on the same flight I was on troubled me for a long time, so I did research to try and find out who this person might have been. I found the name of a person killed in the area I would have been in on that day, I will never know for sure if this soldier is for sure the one I shared a flight with, but no matter what, I will honor him just the same. Following is a letter I wish I could send to heaven to let him know I remember him, and assuming I shared a f...
I love volunteering. I have made amazing friendships and learned so much from volunteering. I volunteer in my community, I have volunteered to coach on occasion, and I volunteer in my church. I do it because it makes me feel good about helping others and bringing events to our small corner of the world. My personality has been made and molded to help others. While volunteering I have learned how to best set up a serving line that maximizes efficiency. I have learned how amazing and funny the kids in our community are. I have learned planning and organizing skills that have continued to get better (I think). I have also learned the subtle art of give and take when working with a group of people. Photo by Hanna Morris on Unsplash My journey of volunteering hasn't been easy in a small community. I have been stressed and irritated at someone or something that just didn't go the way I wanted it to or thought it would go. But along the way, I have gained such r...