I love volunteering. I have made amazing friendships and learned so much from volunteering. I volunteer in my community, I have volunteered to coach on occasion, and I volunteer in my church. I do it because it makes me feel good about helping others and bringing events to our small corner of the world. My personality has been made and molded to help others. While volunteering I have learned how to best set up a serving line that maximizes efficiency. I have learned how amazing and funny the kids in our community are. I have learned planning and organizing skills that have continued to get better (I think). I have also learned the subtle art of give and take when working with a group of people. Photo by Hanna Morris on Unsplash My journey of volunteering hasn't been easy in a small community. I have been stressed and irritated at someone or something that just didn't go the way I wanted it to or thought it would go. But along the way, I have gained such r...
I'm Dorinda, a Christian, veteran, and farm wife with two boys living in beautiful central Nebraska. I write about farm life, raising boys, chickens, and anything in between. I love to read, write, run, drink coffee, and chase my boys around. I feel I have been blessed with a great life and am grateful I can share a glimpse of my farm life with others.