I have a scar on my arm from getting scratched by a chicken, and a scar on my leg where I fell into barbed wire in my parent's pasture, and a scar on my wrist from breaking a window at my parent's house after my brother had locked the door. These scars are my physical reminders of lessons that I have learned over the years. I sometimes wish that I didn't have these scars, especially the ones on my wrist, but I do. I can't change what happened, when I got these scars. But I can learn from them and change my future behavior so I don't get anymore scars like them again. Like a lot of people in our country I have been trying to wrap my brain around all the protests and the tearing down of statues. And I get the pain and frustration, I can empathize with people who feel that they are not treated fairly in our country. I can empathize with people who are angry with our countries history, it is terrible how our country has treated people, even in mode...
I'm Dorinda, a Christian, veteran, and farm wife with two boys living in beautiful central Nebraska. I write about farm life, raising boys, chickens, and anything in between. I love to read, write, run, drink coffee, and chase my boys around. I feel I have been blessed with a great life and am grateful I can share a glimpse of my farm life with others.