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Showing posts from November, 2016

Thank You President Obama

In November 2008, a new first-time mom was watching election results.  She was horrified with the results, how could the country have betrayed her so, why would they vote this man into office, a man who wanted to change her country.  She was scared not only was she trying to figure out how to be a wife, and new mother but now the country she felt safe in was changing.  That new mother was me, I didn’t like President Obama winning the 2008 and 2012 elections, I felt that our country was going to hell in a hand basket, and frankly am too young to feel that way.  Shortly after the election we moved to a farm, and I was still scared about what the direction of the country was going with President Obama.  And I decided I wanted to find a way to help my family in case a major event occurred that disrupted life as we knew it.  Seems a little irrational doesn’t it?  Maybe, but people that I respected and trusted told me this was going to happen and immine...