It has been a rough week. We are in the middle of winter here in Nebraska , which means cloudy, cold weather. We had a case of the stomach flu, I had to explain a couple life experiences to the oldest Brown boy, that no parent should have to explain to their child, and least of all our worries- we had a pie crust catastrophe! A few of the pumpkins harvested this year! But this is life, things happen to us and we have to make the best of it somehow, I suggest pumpkin pie as one way to do that. But let’s begin our story at the beginning, this summer we planted exactly one pumpkin plant that produced literally half my garden space worth of pumpkins. We gave some away, we sold a few for the boys to make money, and I still had roughly 20 left to take care of. The pumpkins “mocked” me in our basement until New Years weekend, when I finally felt I had the time to take care of them, and that means; can them. I cut up four pumpkins, and this gav...
I'm Dorinda, a Christian, veteran, and farm wife with two boys living in beautiful central Nebraska. I write about farm life, raising boys, chickens, and anything in between. I love to read, write, run, drink coffee, and chase my boys around. I feel I have been blessed with a great life and am grateful I can share a glimpse of my farm life with others.